CENG 476 - Big Data
Dr. Serdar ARSLAN
Course Web Site: http://ceng476.cankaya.edu.tr & WebOnline
Description: The objective of this course is to teach students fundamentals of big data management and analytics. They will gain experience with some key technologies, platforms, tools and systems used by big data scientists and engineers. Topics may include data storage and access mechanisms, streaming, applications of big data, and basic machine learning algorithms applied to big data which is collected from real world domains such as finance, health etc.
Learn fundamental concepts of big data.
Understand the theory behind the file system, memory, computational, and algorithmic trade-offs associated with big data
Understand how to leverage big data frameworks and distributed systems to carry out analysis and gain insight.
Be able to design and implement big data frameworks and algorithms.
Learn how to preprocess and prepare data for machine learning and visualization
Text Book: Big Data Analytics, Seema Acharya and Subhasini Chellappan, Addison-Wesley, 2015.
Evaluation Criteria:
Midterm (%30)
Project and Presentations (%30)
Final (%40)